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TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT and more for the English word builder


Testing and learning through games such as TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT and more "
runterload.de Editor: Vocaboly TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT test takers, particularly for English words is a learning software for "English vocabulary builder, much more efficient to memorize all this fun.

Key Features

will be easier on [Large Vocabulary]
Vocaboly are five books: "VOA English", "Private TOEFL", "GMAT", "SAT" and "GRE with more than 12,000 words, each word, phonetic symbol and pronunciation, meaning contains. Then these cards into some words to put your own goals and can choose a book according to the English level.

[Word Cards]
Each book contains eight cards, you can choose a card to study the words you want to learn as easily as you can focus.

[Word Difficulty Level]
Each word difficulty level of 0 to be set to 5, the default difficulty level is 0. What you can learn the words you choose in the level of difficulty. Cards with words, you can easily get the words you do not know.

Each user is automatically saved their own work record and software setting, user support program exit time.

[Multi-Level Study Methods]
Word Ticker: Display words automatically.
Recall: Remember the meaning of words.
Spelling: Spelling words mean.
Listening: Spell words according to pronunciation.
Multi-Choice: Select correct meaning or word from four options, the test dynamically, so each test is created unique.
Memory game: Match the words and meaning.
Star War Game: A shoot game can now download free Vocaboly 2.1.

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